Showing posts from 2014

What is a trigger ?

Triggers are procedures that are stored in the database and are implicitly run, or  fired ,   when something happens.   Classification tree of triggers ?        Ans : Triggers can be of following types  : DML triggers on tables. INSTEAD…

Check paragraph is in upper case or lower case

There is some situation when you need to check a whole paragraph is in upper case or lower case in php coding. Below is simple function which will help you to solve your problem: *******************************************************************…

Add "You might also like this" widgit on blogger or your website

In some blogs and websites you may have seen this ‘You might also like’ widget somewhere below the posts in the footer part. It will help you to keep your readers for some more time on your blog. Here in this tutorial I will take you through a set…

How to sort multidimentional array using php

Suppose you have an multidimentional array like below example and you want to sort that array from any index value  Lets take an example - I have an array with car name, model and color index like below $cars = array ( array('car'=&g…

Codeigniter Interview Question and Answers for 1-2 year experiance

1. What is codeigniter. Codeigniter is open source , web application framework.Its is for building websites using php.Codeigniter is loosely based on MVC pattern. Most simple framework in php , which is you will easily learn.Its mostly known f…

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