Suppose you have an multidimentional array like below example and you want to sort that array from any index value
Lets take an example - I have an array with car name, model and color index like below
In the above function you just need to pass two parameter -
Method of using -
Output :
Lets take an example - I have an array with car name, model and color index like below
$cars = array
array('car'=>"Land Rover",'model'=>"2013",'color'=>"green")
Now i want to sort this array by car name in accending order. Below is a simple function.function multi_sort($arr, $index) {
$b = array();
$c = array();
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
$b[$key] = $value[$index];
foreach ($b as $key => $value) {
$c[] = $arr[$key];
return $c;
In the above function you just need to pass two parameter -
- Array that you want to sort.
- Index from which value you want to sort.
Method of using -
$cars=multi_sort($cars, 'car');
echo "<pre>";
Output :
Array ( [0] => Array ( [car] => BMW [model] => 2014 [color] => red ) [1] => Array ( [car] => Land Rover [model] => 2013 [color] => green ) [2] => Array ( [car] => Saab [model] => 2012 [color] => yellow ) [3] => Array ( [car] => Volvo [model] => 2014 [color] => blue ) )
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