Many time you need to get current controller or action name from Url during coding in yii. Lets Take an example : Suppose your current url in yii like below :…
Select Record from database in yii There are two way to write select query using create command in Yii framework : Firstway : $user = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('SELECT id, username, profile FROM tbl_user u joi…
If you want to delete first or last element of array .Then you can use two very useful php functions 1- array_shift() --- It delete the first index and value of an array. 2- array_pop() --- It delete the last index and value of an array. Example…
I want to count the total number of element of an array.But my problem is that when i am counting the element of array using count() or sizeof() function then its also count that index which value is empty . My array is below :-- Array ( [sea…
Every developer face these errors in there development carrier while resizing image. Actually all these errors are same and reason is also same of all are these errors . Reason is that GD library is not enable on your server .Means if you are using …
Every time when you creating and submitting a form then you will see that form fields are filled every time after submit form.Actually it takes data from brouser catche memory.Some time you don't need that data for security reason or may be any o…
If you have problem to resize your image in php then using this simple class file and resize your image very simple. What you need to do: (a)-You just need to copy the entire code below and paste it into a file name Simpleimage.php . class Si…
In some situation you want to change case (Upper case to Lower case or Vice-Versa) of any table column data of your database using sql then LOWER() or LCASE() and UCASE() or UPPER() is very useful sql keyword to fulfill your need. HOW TO USE :…
Some time when you need to generate ramdom password or something like random string.Then my this code is really helpful for you. function createRandomPassword() { $chars = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz023456789"; srand((doubl…
Below is the entire code of my image slider.You just need to be copy the entire code and paste it into the php or html file.If you have internet connection on you computer then you don't need to be make any changes on it.All image and js are come…
There are times when we are so anxious to jump into creating something new that we forget to cover the basics. For web developers it is important, actually vital, to have the ability to test your projects locally before they go live. While much o…
PHP development began in 1994 when the developer Rasmus Lerdorf wrote a series of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Perl scripts, which he used to maintain his personal homepage. The tools performed tasks such as displaying his résumé and recording his…
Multiple error is display every times when i click on submit button. See Below Example: Solution : In my case i put my form tag between table .Thats why every time when i click on submit button it display error multiple times. My Htm…
Some time you need to make an option of auto fill when user start typing in text box then relavent result could display below of text box in drop-down in php like below Example : <input type="text" name="producttmfg…
When you add textarea input in your html then by default its resize property is enable and its display a resize icon on bottom right side by default See below: Before adding style : If you want to remove it then then you have to be add a st…
In some situation you have to be required to change image after given time duration . Suppose a situation you want to display an ad image on a prticular location and you want that after some time it will replace with the next ad image . Check th…
If you are using code-igneter then it have a very nice feature to rewrite your website url using route.php and you can make your site seo friendly very easily. (1)-Suppose if you want to redirect all link which is start with name page after your ba…
I have latitude and longitude.Now i need a query to select all select records from my data base between these two on 100 miles radius. So now i write below query to perform my operation : Example : $latitude="27.950898" ; $longitude=…
If you want to display direction on google map to draw a straight line in php code.Then you need to just copy and paste below code .Before copy this you need to be include google map library and make it constructor like below : $google_maps = new G…
Hello guys if you want to remove all special chareters like (& # @ % , ' ! ) etc every thing then this post is really helpful for you . Watch below example : My string is like this "Lakeside Landing , RV Resort & Marina"…
There is a situation where you want to be protect your site using htaccess that no body can access your site except you . Step you need to be follow : Create the Password File Open a new text file called .htpasswd Note the period at the beg…