I have a scenario during coding in my angular js project where i need to display the currency in short form like suppose if currency is $12000 so it should be display like $12K , 3200000 => 3M (million), 7000000000 => 7B (billion) etc
To do this i just created a simple filter currencyFormat for your angular js application :
Code :
Output :
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To do this i just created a simple filter currencyFormat for your angular js application :
Code :
return function(number, decPlaces){
decPlaces = decPlaces || 0;
decPlaces = Math.pow(10,decPlaces);
var abbrev = [ "K", "M", "B", "T" ];
for (var i=abbrev.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
var size = Math.pow(10,(i+1)*3);
if(size <= number) {
number = Math.round(number*(decPlaces/size))/decPlaces;
if((number == 1000) && (i < abbrev.length - 1)) {
number = 1;
number += abbrev[i];
return number;
Now you just need to call this filter in you html code like below:<p style="font-size:25px;font-weight:bold">£{{totallendings | currentFormat}} <span>{{'LENT' | translate}}</span></p>
Output :
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