By default, AngularJS will route URLs with a hashtag like below-
For Example:
It is very easy to get clean URLs and remove the hash tag from the URL.
There are 2 steps to remove "#" sign from the url -
Step (1) - Suppose we have a "DemoApp" app like below. Now we remove the "#" sign by just enabling the HTML5 routing mode like below-
Happy Coding :)
For Example:
It is very easy to get clean URLs and remove the hash tag from the URL.
There are 2 steps to remove "#" sign from the url -
Step (1) - Suppose we have a "DemoApp" app like below. Now we remove the "#" sign by just enabling the HTML5 routing mode like below-
Step (2) - Now we need to set the base tag to the relative path that tells angular, when it parses the URLs, where to start parsing from like below -var app = angular.module('DemoApp', ['ngRoute']);app.config(function ($routeProvider,$locationProvider) {$routeProvider.when("/home", {templateUrl: "templates/index.html",controller: "MainController"}).when("/employees/", {templateUrl: "templates/employees.html",controller: "employeesController"}).when("/departments/", {templateUrl: "templates/departments.html",controller: "departmentsController"}).otherwise({redirectTo: "/home"});$locationProvider.html5Mode(true);});
Don't forget to post a comment below if you like this post.<!doctype html><html ng-app="DemoApp"><head><base href="/"/></head><body ng-cloak><h2>demo app</h2><div ng-view></div>
Happy Coding :)